Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Long time no post

First, the end of the September 9 post.  Nav light was fitted, still wiring and battery to be fitted.

The active Garmin GPS antenna.  Still nothing to receive the data.

Picked up a new acetabular component for the mast from Opheim Workshop.

I kept the boat in Oslo until September 23rd, managed to sail quite a bit with several interesting crew. The last week in Oslo I was sailing every evening in from about 20 knots wind and down.  No damages.  Boat speeds up to about 15 knots average over one minute. Buried leeward float several times with no big issues. Main hull is barely touching the water when pushing the boat, resulting in loss of rudder a couple of times, which made the boat turn up slightly and reattaching rudder.  Haven't tried the assy yet, looking forward to that.

With the boat in the water, I had to turn focus back to my professional carreer, which necessitated a change in poisition and workplace. This has led to 20 hours of commuting each week, so my life feels rather busy now.  The boat was put on ground, as with no nav lights working, there were no more chance for a sail.  On the upside, I was able to acquire a rather nice commuting tool:


Guy Waites said...


Tor Rabe said...

Hah, hah. Ordered a 1200 kit today.