Started out at the keel line, extra batten to support the HD insert along keel:
Twisting a batten at the bow:
This blog was created to share experiences from my building of the Ian Farrier designed trimaran F-22R with other builders interested, and to anyone else that might have an interest in why anyone willingly spends hundreds of hours in a room without windows to build a weird looking boat that will sail circles around the traditional sailing boats in this part of the world
Battens seems to be hard to get. They have to be from some kind of quite flexible wood and the right dimension. The guy at the sawmill(?) that made the first 70m is on a holiday and he seems to be the only one who can provide me with the right stuff. Guess the main hull will have to wait until he's back.....
Hi Tor
I use MDF battens. I got a 19mm MDF sheet cutted into stripes and glued 3 together with an 1:10 overlap.
So i got nice flixible but strong battens
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