Monday, February 11, 2008

Back to civilization - various subjects

After two days of job related activities at Ilsetra (I have experienced much worse!) I met my wife and son and we spent the week in a family place close to Lillehammer (Winter Olympics 14 years ago and my birthplace). No electricity nor other modern facilities, just a lot of time - and a lot of snow. This is a brief presentation of a typical Norwegian winter activity, in my opinion an excellent form of recreation.

When back I discover a frustrated builders community but I don't think this will have any further impact on the great sharing of experience and ideas on the web except everyone will be a bit more cautious about posting intellectual properties - which was, the way I interpret it, the intention of the designer - at least I will. Keep it up guys! I will by the way be happy to answer any questions regarding skiing.

I cut out the bulkheads from the full size patterns provided along with the drawings that I obtained against a most reasonable fee along with five years of e-mail support:

Then I faired for a few hours and after strokeing the surface for a while I found a few spots where I could fit some more fairing compound:

Mostly along the keel that had been approached from two sides with little or no coherence in the two sides' application:

I'm consistently covered in dust these days.

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