Sunday, May 22, 2011

Preparations to the top side

I was done with the contouring above gunwhale.  However, someone has been using a random orbital sander and some areas are not longer the correct contour, although with a very fine finish.  Arrrgh! I don't know yet how much attention I will pay to this. Also, the beam recesses was finished, and I also told so to my workers that no more work was needed there, but they still managed to put a lot of filler into the upper folding strut recesses, which was a pain to get out.  Silas did a great job helping me with that.

A few small projects was not finished, like the engine control.  I had to put the engine back on, rebuild it to accommodate remote control, and decide on the placement of the tube for control wires and gas.

In the cockpit, I had to glue back in a piece of a cut out to accommodate the Teleflex mechanism with the flush Spinlock front plate for winch handle. (I was hoping to fit this in the extended part of the coaming but this turned out to be too tight)

Some more work on the front deck was needed after building back up the flat panels under the bow nets each side (second time I do this).  Then I marked the position of HD and drilled for pulpit and fairleads.  I will have to build up a pad for the aft pulpit support.

And I have to make pads for winches and mastfoot.

I have faired the modified part of the cockpit

And I made a 2" tube for the control wires, fuel hose and electrical wires from the engine.  Still to be glued,  laminated and trimmed to fit. This tube runs from the aft cabin transom

Trough the aft cabin, where it serves as a perfect hand rail (and possibly a shelf front)

And enters the under settee compartment

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