Monday, June 13, 2011

June this far

Most of June this far has been more fairing.  One thing I did much too late was buying a cheap paint gun.  This was a very much better way to get the high build primer on in even and thick layers.  I have sprayed several layers of different makes, and also modified some primer with a small percentage of microballoon, in the area of 2% by weight, with much better build as a result.  This way I was able to get most of the uneven transitions between different fairing compound mixes faired.

I made a set of new supports for the boat.  Wheels underneath.  Makes handling the boat very easy.

I finally reached the point where I decided to stop fairing (you will never finish, as someone wisely stated in the F-boat forum some time) and I had a lot of friend over helping me to carry/roll the boat out of the workshop and on to the trailer.  Guesstimated weight when lifted by two persons 160 kg.

With the boat safely on the trailer it was time for refreshments according to local tradition and recipe, served from the swim step

I have also been working on the mast, preparing for the final structural laminations.  A layer of 200 gsm 45/45 was added in the groove to bond the halves and make sure it was air tight for vacuum bagging the UD that will fit on top of this layer.  Obviously, I did not take a picture after the lamination.

Also, I was foreseeing enough to make an extra piece of mast so I could practice making the sail groove and the feeding opening.

The boat is currently at the paint shop and will be picked up tomorrow.  I was able to sneak in and take this picture late Friday evening:

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