Thursday, February 27, 2014

Extending workshop, enjoying Aurora Borealis

Due to the need for a larger workshop to finish my friend's mast, we started an extension last year, but the progress have been extremely slow.  However, the concrete for the floor will come tomorrow, new wall are now isolated, and lights are mounted.  This means that the modification of the second float bow will start soon.

Last years sailing season was extremely short for me, and hence, sailing will be prioritized over modifications to the boat this year, and the C-foils may have to wait another year.  Further progress will decide.

Insulation and levelling.  Ready to pour concrete.

When I got home tonight, I was entertained by a beautiful aurora borealis.  Did not have a camera at hand able to capture it.


Arno en Fetske said...

Is the concrete still wet ;-)


Tor Rabe said...

No Arno, it dried up just fine. I made an extensive update a few weeks ago, but blogger refused to save or publish. I'm in long boarding mode on the second float bow. Work stopped this week per ferie. Will try again soon (update I mean.)