It has been quite busy the last weeks with work, necessary domestic tasks, getting my old pick-up truck through the European Union's biannual technical inspection etc. One of the few things I did not have problems with was to get approval of my modification of the 2,5L diesel with a turbo charger as seen on this picture:

I have also managed, with good help from my brother who is currently visiting, to rebate the areas for extra reinforcements on the port float deck and I am currently in the process of laying out fabric. I use one layer of 200g carbon fibers and one layer of 240g
aramid/carbon with overlaps at keel and at deck to float side radius.

Here I am fastening the fabric at the bow with composite staples from Raptor:

Another view, inner side finished, still one layer of
aramid/carbon to go on the outside (and on deck):
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