Friday, January 21, 2011

First float painted with first colour

This afternoon the starboard float got it's yellow paint.  Jotun TopGloss 2-part PU-paint. It is still not dry on the pictures.  The deck and beams will be white with antiskid.


Dag said...

Steike!! Gratulerer.

Anonymous said...

Great colour scheme ! How much do the floats weigh ? Mine were 53 kg in that state . Keep up the good work . Cheers , Jim Buckland .

Tor Rabe said...

Dag, så takk!

Jim, I don't know, but had a read out of 48,2 kg on a hand held luggage weight before highbuild. So I guess very similar to your weight.

CrashGybe 22 said...


Anonymous said...

Det ser jo bra ut! Tenker det er en god følelse å få de første ferdige bitene på plass!
Dag S

Anonymous said...

Helt gule. Ser utrolig bra ut. Enrico

Tor Rabe said...

Yepp. Yellow it is.