Friday, January 14, 2011

Winter sales

I was lucky to source some more goodies at heavily discounted prices:

I found these items in a Swedish web shop at very competitive prices.  2 Lewmar 30 AST winches, bunch of Spinlock XAS 0408/1's, a Silva race compass and a Solara M-series 50W solar panel.

 Test-fitting the Ronstan lightweight spinnaker tack block.  I wonder what, if anything, to do with the pole end.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tor , a thick foam plug glassed in the end of the pole is good , stops pole distortion under load and possible fatigue cracking . Lots of nice gear you bought , plenty of power in those 2 speed winches . Will be going sailing in the next couple of weeks so will send some mast base photos . Cheers , Jim B.

Tor Rabe said...

More good reasons to make the plug, I will do that. Winches are dimensioned for kids and other possibly not so strong sailors.

biol said...

Hi Tor,
I did not know you played guitar ! That semiacoustic body suggest you like jazz, or folk/country ? I'm more a '70s rock guy, with my Les Paul cheap italian replica (Eko).

Sorry for the off topic. Fair winds !


P.S. recently I bought a fretless bass, but it's a real mess learning to play !

Tor Rabe said...

I like jazz, but don't have the skills. I used to play funky and blue music, Freddy King, the Meters and that sort of music. Also fan of Led Zeppelin and pre Eliminator ZZ Top. The guitar has not been used much the last decade as it was one of the things necessary to put a side to be able to have kids, become a surgeon and build a boat.

CrashGybe 22 said...

HI Tor,

Good price on the winch! I worked out that it would cost 5.781 kr if I bought it here.


Tor Rabe said...

In Norway it is about 10.500 Swedish kroner. This is an insanely expensive country.