Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Mast raising

I'm awfully sorry, but things have been so busy I have had to down-prioritize blog updates.  I'll try to fill in as soon as I get some time, as much have happened, and a few things that might be useful for builders following.  Anyway, yesterday I managed to raise the mast for the first time outside the Gran Seil's loft in Oslo, and today the final fitting of the sails will start.


biol said...

Hi Tor ! That's an awesome achievement, really impressive; I'm looking forward to read about your first sailing event.
(BTW, that mast seems stolen from a Klingon interstellar cruiser ;-)

Anonymous said...


Jim Lovell

Anonymous said...

Caspita! Hilsen Dag ( på ferie i Syd-Italia)

Anonymous said...

Wow !!! Who needs sails ? How much does the complete mast weigh ? Keep at it ! Cheers , Jim Buckland .

Luis Matos said...

Great job Tor. That mast should pay back the tremendous amount of work you put on it.
Good luck!

Hans van der Zijpp said...

Congratulations ! Your mast looks very impressive.
I hope you will post some more detailed photo's of the rigging.



Tor Rabe said...

Biol! I had to google that klingon comment, I'm sorry to disappoint you but it is stolen from the Fomula 28 trimaran "Mirage", to the best of my knowledge now owned by Marstrom and used as a benchmark for newer Swedish trimaran designs such as the Seaon and Seacart

Tor Rabe said...

Other commenters! Thank you and I'll get you what you ask as soon as possible