Friday, June 15, 2007

Float shaping continued

I placed the float in form frames 5 and 9 and started to fair the inner side with the long board. As I was doing this I realized that my oblique abdominal muscles will be in a much better condition when these floats are finished. The object with the fairing is to remove any high spots and fill the most obvious low spots prior to lamination in order to save a lot of work with the final filling and fairing. Here the low spots are circled with a marker:

Then it was time to test the SP system S'fill 600. I found it excellent, not much to compare with but I don't know what I would like different. Here are the resin (white) and hardener (black) buckets:

And the float after filling low spots and joins in order to prevent resin "race tracking":

Another view:

While curing I attacked the port float with the planer (found the name of it!) and the curved sanding board. As you can see in the left part of this pictures it produces quite a bit of a mess.

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