After the last posting I first had to work a lot for a week. Then I went to the shop (two days trip) to change the 130 foam I got when asking for 200 the last time I was there. And the guy had this comment: The 130 would do, you know.. Thank you for your effort in redesigning the F-22!
Anyway, after seeing the pictures of
Oliver's main hull I started to wonder whether I would rather prefer to have more space indoor than a large cockpit. The reason why I changed my mind from full cabin and aft cockpit (which I have all the form frames cut for and all bulkhead full size patterns transferred to cardboard of) to aft cabin and cuddy cabin was that I would not like to have a too crowded cockpit, and I liked the more sheltered cockpit, and I liked the idea of a large bed, and the weight distribution when cruising...... From the pictures mentioned above it seems like the smallest cockpit alternative is more than sufficient in such a small craft, there will never be more than four people sailing this boat anyway. And I live close to the polar circle. So I changed my mind again, after a "poll" with some of my friends. Øyvind's arguments was, as usual, decisive. The point is, I'm building a cruiser. I'm doing everything I can to make this cruiser as fast as possible, but it is a cruiser. That's why I'm building a Farrier design in the first place! (New drawing to the right)
Then I had to make a 6" hole in a 12" concrete wall in order to let the diesel fumes out and not recycle it in my ventilation system. This is the situation now:

I have also done a little bit of fairing, filling in the gaps between the ridges with two layers of fairing compound, it proves it should have been three layers as the fairing compound tends to shrink a lot when curing (or is it just the drag from the putty-knife?) and then long boarding it down.

As you can see from the next pictures I also attached the wing net rail on the starboard float. I do not want any more fairing compound than necessary and this results in a few hard spots. I went over and wetted these out with epoxy again today, the aramid tends to "raise it's fur" when sanded.
