Saturday, February 07, 2009


So, I've had one day off over the last three weeks. Long days and night watches. Got off this morning and read Sigi Stiemer's (Owner of F-33 "Hi5") posting on the F-boat forum. Here it is freezing cold, and I should have been out shoveling snow but was sitting inside unable to do anything productive instead. Really hit the nail on the head, Sigi:

videos: Flying Geese (F24) and Hi5 (F33) - summer 2008 -

part 3 and

Posted by: "Sigi Stiemer"

Thu Feb 5, 2009 2:12 pm (PST)

Here is our way home from Desolation Sound via Gulf Islands to Vancouver:

part 3:

part 4:

Not much happening - but better watching those videos (try YouTube
"watch in HD") than shoveling snow ...

Sigi - F33 "Hi5"
I recommend the YouTube HD version of both. Excellent for daydreaming!

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