Then I taped in the last part of the stern deck, both internally, which had to be done partly "blindfolded", and externally, and I put in an extra support under the starboard settee top, as I'm going to cut out and hinge the forward part to (hopefully, more measurements needed to be sure) accomodate an RM 69 with holding tank and three way valve
I put in an athwartships stiffener at the aft end of the front bunk on port side. Picture taken from the bottom of the boat, looking up and forward.
My initial plan was then to lift the hull, reverse the form frames again to do the last daggerboard case to hull and rudder web to hull taping, but I revised this and will do it as soon as the external laminations are done and the hull can safely lay on its side again. It was with mixed feelings the strongback was demounted and thrown out as it has been a close working mate for the last three years now....
Magnificent feeling to have something in resemblance to a boat in the workshop though.
And a more forward view:
I started shaping the transitions at once. This picture shows clearly what a difference a large radius does to the appearance as opposed to the hard deck to side transition on starboard side:
I've spent some time pondering on every thinkable trough hull high load applications I will want to fit to the boat, as time spent on that now is considerable time saved in the future. It is not easy in my opinion. At least, I will have a pulpit and "halegatter" (Norwegian for those rope leading hooks, fairleads?) on the front deck, as well as an eye for the front net. Notes to myself for later reference.
I've tried to source glass fibre tubing with no luck. I'll glass in some electricians PVC tubing for wing net lashings. And HD around the anchor well opening, and then go on with the deck reinforcements.
Hello Tor,
You could try to get glass fibre tubes from a kite shop.
Good luck, Hans
Hello Tor
Swiss Composite has a big collection of fiberglas and carbon tubes.
Mainly they are used for model planes. So you can check in such shops in your aerea.
Regards Klaus
Holy Moly, it's a boat!
Cool man, gonna have to come see it soon.
I hate to live so far away from you! I would love to be there and see it. And give you a helping hand or two.
Thanks everyone. I've tried the above but can't find the correct dimensions. I find producers but either do they not want to sell less than 180m or they don't bother to reply at all. I have not found retailers selling larger dimensions. I will not bother any more with the glass fiber tubes, I use PVC tubes and laminate over them instead. I found a supplier for the awning rail for the wing net though (Jens Sagen)
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