Wednesday, July 29, 2009

All internal structural panels in place

Here is the tool I use for rounding edges before laminating over, as here the transition between settee top and front. Easy, fast and consistent result.

I made a "bucket shape" to be acting as a recess for the external safety compartment hatch, I didn't like the idea of having a hatch extruding from the hull surface...

Internal face of the same part.

Rudder center web taping. Quite good access trough the aft cabin aft bulkhead cutout.

Starboard settee top taping. Looking forward from the aft cabin.

Main cabin view from the front bunk, photo rotated to imitate correct orientation of the hull.

I am currently on vacation, and I will have to finish my house rebuild when I get home, but hopefully I will be able to get most of the main hull exterior laminated during August.


Jay said...

Hi Tor,

Great progress you're making - nice job.

I saw your pictures of the settee fronts\stiffeners. Are you planning to enclose the area under the settees, or are you doing the netting options? Curious since I'm still thinking about this.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jay and Tor , I thought about this for a long time too , decided in favour of netting because you can see what is stored and it is a very lightweight solution . I have glassed 10mm i.d. tubes with a slot in them ( like sail track) to the hull just a bit outboard of vertically under the settee fronts . The tops will be held just with shockcord . I have continued these rght back under the cockpit floor - way better to have too much storage space than not enough . Hope this is of some help . Regards , Jim Buckland .

Jay said...


If it's not too much trouble, would you please share a picture of your netting setup? I think I understand what you're describing, but a picture would help a lot.


Jay said...

I'm not sure if you can post a picture in a blog comment, but an email to Tor and I (both of us share our emails in our profiles) would work fine.


Tor Rabe said...

Jay and Jim!

I have not decided yet on what to do with the interior. I have a lot of ideas but they are all still in my head. I want too spend some time in the boat before deciding, in order to get the most out of the limited space and also try to save weight, possibly by removable units. I will not make more than the structural part of the interior at this stage. I will use thinner foam and 200g or less of carbon each side for the non structural panels.

I loved Jim's solution and I was tempted to go in that direction. Anyone know a source for composite tubes?