Friday, March 04, 2011

Slow progress, unfortunately

As I still have obligations to my employer, I could not proceed any longer at the same pace, I have had to work some as well this last week.  Several short visits in the workshop have however brought the mast a bit closer to completion.  I had hoped that I could start the fairing this week end, but it has to wait another week it seems.  I have, however, put some decent pressure on my self as I have made agreement to meet the sailmaker for rigging and testsailing on June 6th.

The rest of the tangs trimmed.

Mounted.  Kept in place by gravity.  From right (down) to left (top) the tangs are for jib, optional backup forestay, genoa, screecher and spinnaker.

The mast base plate have been built up by wet lay up and vacuum bagging to a total of 10mm thickness of massive carbon. 


Anonymous said...

June 6th ! Better give up your day job ! Good luck , Cheers , Jim Buckland .

Tor Rabe said...

Well, it's probably crazy anyway, but I do not have any intentions on getting the interior done by then, and I have hired help to fair the main hull. Still a lot of work to do. But if I do get it done, I might be lucky enough to enjoy maybe two or three weeks of summer (ie shorts, no fowl weather gear) on the water, and there will very soon be another eight months of winter season to get on with the rest.