Thursday, January 14, 2010

Beam mount taping started

The beam mounts will have to handle really heavy loads, according to the designer up to 4500 kg. Hence, he has done a lot of engineering to make sure they handle those loads.  This means that several reinforcements along load paths have to be laminated accurately and with care.  I have laminated some of the compression load reinforcements so far.  The need of making several moulds in the process means that this takes some time to do.  The newer version beam mounts are made in a way so fewer of simpler moulds have to be used.  This first picture shows the mould for the lower folding strut anchor flange provided with the beam mounts from Farrier Marine in place, and the flange laminated inside.  Just above the "arm", the exterior of the compression pad area is visible.

The first step of the inside laminations of the same area is showed here, opposite side.  This consists of several layers of bi-directional and uni-directional fibres. The area is formed against an outside mould made from full size patterns.

The rear lower folding strut bolting area after trimming flush with the hull:

Compression load path reinforcements added to the rear beam mount:

Last picture today showing port forward beam mount after trimming.  I have spent a few hours making moulds for the hull recesses surrounding the beam mounts, and still need a couple of hours to have them ready and in place.  Then the hull will be closed and the mounts further laminated on the inside, adding several more reinforcements.  It's a lot of work, but I really enjoy effectuating the fine engineering, and it will indeed be very strong and stiff.  Thinking of how Frimann is made, and the fact that she still sails after more than 35 years, makes me laugh from time to time.  This is a totally different story, I suspect this boat will survive anything.

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