Then I started to fit the aft cabin front bulkhead, and to my big surprise, as all parts have fitted surprisingly exactly, it took a lot of adjustments to make it fit. I probably had my cardboard pattern made from an early full size pattern, I have plans #11 and there have been a few updates, I might have missed one. Anyway, the part was too big, so no problems except an evening making a part fit, something builders should expect according to what I have learned from builders of anything but Farrier crafts. At last I had a perfect fit:
And from the cockpit side. I also used (and hence had to cut to perfect shape according to plans) the cockpit seat fronts and the cockpit seats in the process of ensuring correct alignment of this part:
Then, tonight I made this jig to ensure correct placement and angle of the transom (made also from the before mentioned panel):
And from the outside:
...before glueing the transom in using the common procedures of putty filling, tape and peel ply:
I taped the aft cabin front bulkhead in on one side. These areas on the cockpit side:
...and the rest on the aft cabin side. The aft cabin seems to be quite roomy and comfortable, remember this is a 23 foot boat:
Finally, the aft bunk bulkhead was pre fitted to the hull and then I made flanges for the bunk taping (look my previous post on my thoughts on alternative approach to this step), laying down a layer of peel ply on a package tape prepared surface, then putty filling and tape covered with another layer of peel ply:
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